These States Have the Least Public Schools Per Capita
Public school shortages can cause drastic problems in a community, so many home buyers are concerned about the local school district when choosing a place to live. They want to ensure that their kids attend a good school with plenty of opportunities for success, learning, and new experiences. A shortage of schools can force children to spend more time commuting to a school further away, or to join a school with more students than it can effectively educate.
The team at Playground Equipment shone a light on the states where a shortage of public schools could be a problem by calculating the number of schools per 10,000 students and mapping the results. Here are the 10 states that had the lowest number of public schools per 10,000 students:
- Georgia: 9.17
- Hawaii: 9.69
- Florida: 9.86
- Maryland: 10.34
- Nevada: 10.50
- Pennsylvania: 10.98
- Delaware: 10.99
- Virginia: 11.31
- South Carolina: 11.32
- Utah: 11.63
Some of these states have a lower number of public schools because of an abundance of private school options, which comes with its own set of benefits and problems.