These Countries Have the Most Gold and Silver

Sylvia Powell
1 min readAug 29, 2024


Precious metals have defined economies around the world for centuries with some of them choosing to base their currency on a “gold standard.” Metal like gold and silver are prized because they’re useful, beautiful, and there’s a finite amount of them. The team at Kylar Mack are jewelry enthusiasts so they were interested to know where the most precious metals are found. They mapped out precious metal mining by determining how many metric tons were mined in each location between 2000 and 2023.

These countries had the most gold:

  1. China: 7,868 (metric tons)
  2. Australia: 6,678
  3. United States: 5,682
  4. Russia: 5,351
  5. South Africa: 5,096

These countries had the most silver:

  1. Mexico: 105,400 (metric tons)
  2. Peru: 81,567
  3. China: 71,620
  4. Australia: 39,773
  5. Chile: 30,444

Don’t miss out on examining the rest of the map! The team compiled a lot of interesting data including stats on other metals like palladium and platinum.



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