The Largest Sharks Ever Caught
Sharks are one of the most terrifying animals on this planet with their incredible strength and rows of sharp, flesh-tearing teeth. Due to their power and size, they’re also sought after by many anglers that are in search of the glory that comes with reeling in one of these world-record catches.
It’s no surprise that some of the biggest fish ever caught were sharks, but what may surprise you is that to qualify for an International Game Fish Association (IGFA) world record the fish has to be reeled in by just one person. Which is quite the amazing feat once you see just how much some of these record-breaking sharks weighed in at!
Mako Shark — 1,221 lbs.
Caught off the coast of Chatham, Massachusetts this mako shark was caught by Luke Sweeney on July 7,2001 with a bonito for bait.
Hammerhead Shark — 1,280 lbs
Bucky Dennis caught this hammerhead off the coast of Boca Grande, Florida back in 2006 using a stingray as bait. This monster shark put up a fight for 5 hours!
Sixgill Shark — 1,298 lbs.
Caught off Ascension Island in the Atlantic, Clemens Rump reeled in this giant in 2002.
Greenland Shark — 1,708 lbs.
This beast was caught back in 1987 off the coast of Norway by angler Terje Nordvedt using a herring as bait.
Tiger Shark — 1,785 lbs.
Kevin James Clapson caught this monster off the coast of Ulladulla, Australia back in 2004.
Great White Shark — 2,664 lbs.
You read that weight right, this shark weighed in at over a ton, nearly doubling the weight of the second largest shark ever caught! Alfred Dean has held this record since 1959, and amazingly it only took him 50 minutes to reel this beast in!