The 10 U.S. Police Departments With The Highest Police Homicide Rates

Sylvia Powell
2 min readJul 8, 2020


One thing you can say about 2020 is that there hasn’t been a dull moment since the year started, for good or for bad. Although lately it has been far more bad than good. One of the biggest things to happen this year was the tremendous growth of the Black Lives Matter movement. Tragically the death of George Floyd by the hands of a police officer were the catalyst to the movement gaining the traction and power that it did this year.

Image via Wikimedia

A major issue this movement has shined a light on is police brutality and systemic racism within many police departments. Every single state in the U.S. has seen protests happening, many of which have had daily protests for the past month and a half. Thankfully these protests have sparked some change. Business Insider states “In the 30 days that have followed Floyd’s death, editors have resigned, statues have topped, and police reforms have been announced in several cities across the US.

But onto the topic at hand…. I came across this chart that ranks the 100 largest police departments in the United States on their number of police killings between 2013 and 2019. I’m going to share just the top 10 here but check out the full list to see where your city’s police department (PD) ranks.

The 10 Police Departments With The Most Police Homicides [per 1 million citizens]

  1. St. Louis Metro PD, MO — 17.9 citizens
  2. Oklahoma City PD, OK — 11.8
  3. Phoenix PD, AZ — 11.0
  4. Orlando PD, FL — 10.8
  5. Spokane PD, WA — 10.3
  6. Bakersfield PD, CA — 9.9
  7. Tulsa PD, OK — 9.8
  8. Aurora PD, CO — 9.2
  9. Reno PD, NV — 8.9
  10. Stockton PD, CA — 8.8

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