Outlandish Fictional Spaceships
I recently got lost in this interesting chart of some of the most iconic vehicles to grace the science fiction world we know and love. It focuses on the max speed, power source (or engine), as well as the creator of each, and scales the size of the vehicles in a unique way as you scroll down the page. I shared an example of the sizing below.
As I poured through the expected vehicles from Star Wars, Star Trek, and even some Marvel vehicles like the Milano from Guardian’s of the Galaxy; I was really surprised at some of the more outlandish spacecrafts, and other sweet rides, that found their way onto this compendium. Let’s check them out, shall we?
Eagle 5
Who could forget the RV turned spacecraft from the 1980’s parody of Star Wars, the hilarious Spaceballs. This rad ride was found to reach a max “ludicrious” speed, and is powered by secret hyperjets.
“Never give up! Never surrender!” may be a common term you’ll hear upon this flagship for the NSEA in Galaxy Quest. Known as Earth’s most powerful interstellar spacecraft, it can reach speeds of Mach 15. It is powered by beryllium sphere, which is used for the Quantum Flux Drive technology.
Borg Cube
While this may look more like a giant square than a vehicle that can actually move, the Borg Cube was a type of starship used by the Borg Collective from Star Trek. Being transwarp-capable, the Borg Cube could reach warp speeds. They were also considered to be one of the most destructive weapons ever.
USS Planet Express Ship
One of the more surprising spaceships included in this list is the very brightly colored ship used by the Futurama gang for travel. It can reach a max speed of 97% of the new speed of light, and is powered by a dark matter reactor.
Which of these iconic, and sometimes outlandish, vehicles would you want to zip around the galaxy in?