Monsanto Leaves Their Mark on Agriculture

Sylvia Powell
3 min readJun 10, 2020


Monsanto is known for manufacturing a wide range of products, many of which were created for the agricultural industry. The purpose of many of these products was to enhance the natural process of growth in plants and even animals in some cases. These products include Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) that had a focus on crops specifically, Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), and the widely used herbicide Roundup.

While the reasoning behind using these specially engineered products may seem like a positive step for agriculture, they can lead to some serious consequences for the entire food chain.

Genetically Modified Organisms

Image via pxhere

GMOs are crops that have had their DNA modified through the use of genetic engineering. Why go through the hassle of mutating them? Well they are engineered to be resistant to pests, diseases that can spread through crops, harsh environmental conditions, as well as being engineered to be specifically resistant to Monsanto’s own herbicide, which we’ll dive further into later on.

Bovine Growth Hormone

Image via WikimediaCommons

rBGH is a genetically modified version of a natural hormone that is found in cattle to support milk production. Monsanto’s version of this hormone is injected into dairy cows to increase their production of milk. These injections can cause these cows to get infections in their udders, which need to be treated with antibiotics which will end up in the milk supply. An increase in antibiotics in the food supply can lead to antibiotic resistant bacteria flourishing, which will make them much harder to treat. Thankfully many large grocery store chains have stopped carrying milk that was produced using rBGH.


Image via Wikimedia

Roundup is a glyphosate-based synthetic herbicide. It is the most widely used herbicide in the world and is used as a form of weed control. The herbicide is even used to kill weeds in public areas, something that many have been fighting to stop. If you see those little yellow flags sticking out of the ground you can assume the area was recently treated with Roundup, don’t go near it.

Another product of Monsanto’s is what you get when you combine Roundup with GMOs, referred to as “Roundup Ready” crops. These crops were genetically altered to be resistant to the Roundup herbicide, which means that Roundup will have to be used to control other weeds. This process also leaves these seeds sterile, meaning that farmers have to rebuy their seeds every year.

These three products aren’t the only controversial ones in Monsanto’s arsenal. They have a long history of manufacturing questionable products for the agricultural and food industries, and even some for the military.



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